Our Work
The employability forum is currently working on Bangladesh and planning to spread across different countries as well. Right now we have introduced a 3 credit compulsory course called Employability 360 degree for the undergraduate students of Daffodil International University. Here’s few of our initiatives-

First Session on Employability by Mr. Md. Sabur Khan
First Session on Employability By Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman BoT, Daffodil International University Brief The session was about the employment of students. Honorable chairman of Daffodil [...]
Second Session on Employability by Mr. Md. Sabur Khan
Second Session on Employability Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman BoT, Daffodil International University Brief In the second session of Mr. Md. Sabur Khan he mainly focused on [...]
Employability 360 Degree – The Course
Employability 360 A 3 Credit Course for Undergraduate Students of DIU Brief Employability 360 degree is a course that is different from all the [...]

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Do want to be employable or help someone to become employable?